
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. With technology that is now clever enough to analyze, learn, reason, and predict, it’s no wonder that it’s quickly being integrated into everyday life. You probably don’t even notice how often you use AI systems.


Our cars can communicate with us. Our homes know when we’re there. Your online banking software watches for fraudulent activity. Every time Amazon of Netflix shows you a recommendation, you’re engaging with AI technology.


With AI impacting our daily lives, it makes sense that industries would leverage the technology to transform the way they do business. In digital marketing, the list of AI applications continues to grow, and any company who puts off leveraging the technology risks being left behind by the competition.


Here’s how AI and machine learning are redefining the future in digital marketing:


Customer Behavior Predictions


You no longer have to guess what your customers’ next moves are. AI and machine learning are so intuitive that they can tell you.


An AI system can sift through massive amounts of data to analyze customer behavior and anticipate future needs, preferences, and behavior This insight allows digital marketers to refine their marketing strategies with better content creation, SEO, social media marketing, and more.


Personalized Content


AI provides marketers with a holistic view of the customer which allows for more intelligent content targeting. This gives marketers the capability to deliver personalized content to countless segments of your buyer personas almost instantly.


In the past, this type of segmentation would require hours of analysis from a team of employees. This makes combining story selling and storytelling easy allowing for higher conversion rates.


The best part about AI is that it frees you from tedious tasks. Thanks to AI and its ability to create its own algorithms, it will allow you to focus on more meaningful marketing tasks such as enhancing content.




AI-powered chatbots are already replacing traditional live chats for many companies. Not only do they never lose patience the way a human customer service representative might but chatbots can assist customers 24/7.


They can even reduce waiting time by handling several customer requests simultaneously.


Targeting of Specific Demographics


Marketers can make more informed decisions by placing multiple ads to a particular group of people and studying the results.


Studying specific demographics has always been possible without the use of AI. However, only by utilizing AI can you achieve this on a massive scale, gaining you insight quicker and ultimately, saving you time and money.


Image Recognition


Notice how Facebook highlights faces and suggests friends to tag. That’s Facebook using AI to analyze photos. Imagine leveraging similar technology to utilize the extensive number of images online to understand buyer demographics such as their age or gender better.


By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, digital marketing companies can dramatically transform prospects’ experiences to convert them faster and shorten sales cycles. As technology evolves, so should digital marketing.


In order to make informed decisions that serve consumer needs, you need more insight. AI can help you achieve this by not only automating mundane tasks but collecting valuable data in the process. It’s clear that — for digital marketers– the future of AI is now.


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