Color Psychology and Its Web Design Applications

Color Psychology and Its Web Design Applications

Did you know that color psychology and its web design applications play a crucial role in your website visitor user-experience?   Color psychology is a sub-field of behavioral psychology that focuses on how colors and human emotions, attitudes, and values...
Marketing: Your Guide to Social Selling

Marketing: Your Guide to Social Selling

Your Guide To Social Selling:   The chances are that you have already heard of social selling. It simply refers to the process of developing relationships as part of the sales process – most often on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook....
The Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Content on Social Media

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Content on Social Media

Understanding how to share content properly on social media is not an easy task. But if you are hoping to gain followers and fans, let’s get started!   It’s not as simple as sharing something you think people will like and hoping for the best. Between...
How Social Media Changed In 2018, Features No One Saw Coming

How Social Media Changed In 2018, Features No One Saw Coming

2018 has been a busy year for social media.   Take Facebook, whose public battle with Russian trolls and fake news was eclipsed only by the Cambridge Analytica scandal.   Or Instagram, rolling out an update over Christmas, only to quickly reverse it within...
7 Tips to Protect Your Client’s Personal Information Online

7 Tips to Protect Your Client’s Personal Information Online

Protecting your client’s personal information online is just good business sense. If you show that you’re able to protect their information, their trust and confidence in you increase. Happy days.   If you need even more of a reason to work extra hard to protect...